What Are The Varieties Of Wine?

Spanish sparkling wine is typically composed of a blend of different types of grapes, giving it a range in alcohol content from very dry to moderately dry. The lowest-alcohol wines usually have an alcohol content of about 4% while the highest-alcohol wines can reach up to 14%.

There are many types of sparkling wine from all over the world. Spanish sparkling wines are often the most popular, but there are also French and Italian versions.

Spanish Sparkling Wine: The most common type of Spanish fizzing wine is vermouth. Vermouth is made from herbs, spices, and botanicals like orange peel that give it a distinctive flavor and aroma. It's usually served chilled with a slice of orange or lemon on the side. Other types of Spanish sparkling wines include rosado (rose), amarillo (yellow), blanco (white), and champán (champagne).

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French Sparkling Wine: The French have their own version of sparkling wine called Brut Champagne. Brut Champagne is champagne that has been frozen in order to achieve a frosty texture and a slightly sweet taste. It's usually served chilled with a twist of lime or an orange slice on the side. Other types of French sparkling wines include Crémant de Bourgogne (cremant) and Crémant d'Alsace (alpine).

Italian Sparkling Wine: Italian sparkling wines are some of the richest and most complex in terms of flavor profiles. Some examples include Prosecco (prosecco) and Vermouth di Bosco (vermouth with botanicals from the Bosco region in Italy). Both Prosecco and Vermouth di Bosco are usually served chilled with ice cubes  and a slice of lemon or orange. Other Italian sparkling wines include Spumante (sparkling wine made from grapes other than those used to make Prosecco), Bianco (white), Rosso (red), and Vin Santo (made from the fruit of the Santo Domingo grape).


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