Things To Know About Payroll Tax Relief In Los Angeles

Payroll tax relief is a government program that allows employees who earn taxable wages to receive a tax break on their income. The program operates in two ways: the income tax relief and the social security tax relief. To get the payroll tax relief services in Los Angeles, you can also visit

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There are three main types of payroll tax relief: exemption, rate reduction, and credit.

Exemption: You may be eligible for exemption if you are either an employee of a small business (with fewer than 100 employees), a self-employed individual, or a farm worker.

Rate Reduction: You may be eligible for rate reduction if you are an employee who works in a high-tax state (such as California or New York) and your employer pays more than 50% of your wages in federal income taxes. Alternatively, you may be eligible if your employer pays at least half of the social security contributions that would have been paid on your behalf had you been working in a non-high-tax state.

Credit: You may be eligible for credit if all three of the following apply: (1) Your employer pays at least 25% of the wages that would have been paid by your employer had you worked in a non-high-tax state; (2) Your employer makes matching contributions to a retirement plan on your behalf; and (3)

Furthermore, by being aware of the various payroll tax relief options that are available, you can make informed decisions about how best to spend your money and save on taxes.

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