How Invisalign Treatment Works: Step-by-Step Guide

Invisalign treatment is a popular orthodontic treatment that can correct teeth misalignment in a discreet and comfortable way. This treatment involves the use of a series of custom-made, clear aligners to gradually move teeth into proper alignment. In this article, we will be exploring how Invisalign treatment works, step-by-step.

Step 1: Consultation 

The first step in receiving Highlands Invisalign treatment is to schedule an initial consultation with an orthodontist. During this visit, the orthodontist will examine the patient’s mouth and teeth to determine if Invisalign is the right treatment for them. The orthodontist will discuss the treatment goals, expected results, and a timeline for treatment. 

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Step 2: Mapping Out the Treatment Plan 

After the initial consultation, the orthodontist will create a detailed treatment plan for the patient. This plan will include the exact number of aligners that the patient will need, as well as the timeline for wearing each aligner. The orthodontist will also discuss any additional treatments that may be necessary to achieve the desired results. 

Step 3: Taking Molds and Taking Digital Impressions 

The next step is for the orthodontist to take molds and digital impressions of the patient’s teeth. This will allow the orthodontist to create a 3D model of the patient’s teeth, which will be used to create the custom-made Invisalign aligners. 

Step 4: Manufacturing the Aligners 

Once the orthodontist has the 3D model of the patient’s teeth, they will send this model to the Invisalign lab. The lab will then use this model to create a series of custom-made aligners that are specifically designed to move the patient’s teeth into the desired position. 

Step 5: Fitting the Aligners 

Once the aligners have been manufactured, the orthodontist will schedule a fitting appointment with the patient. During this appointment, the patient will try on the aligners and make sure that they fit properly. The orthodontist will also provide instructions on how to wear and care for the aligners.

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