All You Need To Know About Wisdom Tooth Extraction By Your Dentist

It’s that time of year again. You or your child is getting ready to head off to college. And, as part of the preparations, you’re scheduled to have your wisdom teeth removed. For many people, this is a rite of passage. But it’s also a serious oral surgery that requires careful planning and preparation.

Here’s what you need to know about wisdom tooth removal by your dentist:

Wisdom teeth are the third molars in the back of your mouth. They typically erupt in your late teens or early twenties. And while they may not cause problems for some people, for others they can be problematic.


If your wisdom teeth are impacted (meaning they’re growing in at an angle), they can crowd your other teeth and cause pain. They can also lead to decay and gum disease if not properly cared for. In some cases, wisdom teeth may need to be extracted even if they’re not causing problems.

Your dentist will usually recommend extraction if there’s not enough room in your mouth for the wisdom teeth to erupt properly. They may also recommend it if you have gum disease or decay around the wisdom teeth. Impacted wisdom teeth that are left untreated can also damage adjacent teeth, so it’s best to have them removed before that happens.

The good news is that wisdom tooth extraction is a relatively simple procedure these days, thanks to advances in dental technology.

Wisdom teeth extraction is a common procedure that many people go through, usually in their late teens or early twenties. Your dentist may recommend it if there is not enough room in your mouth for the wisdom teeth to erupt properly, or if you have gum disease or decay around them. Fortunately, thanks to advances in dental technology, wisdom tooth extraction is a relatively simple and straightforward procedure.

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