All About Ear Wax Removal

Ear wax, medically known as cerumen, is a natural byproduct of the body that helps keep the ear canal clean and free from bacteria and other foreign particles. While it is beneficial to the ear, in some cases, too much ear wax can build up and cause hearing loss, earache, or even infection. In those cases, it is important to remove the excess wax to restore hearing and prevent any further issues.

One of the most common methods of ear wax extraction is the use of wax softening agents, such as mineral oil, glycerin, or baby oil. These agents are applied directly to the ear canal and left in place for several minutes. This helps to soften the wax and make it easier to remove. Once the agent has had time to work, the person can then use a rubber-bulb syringe to flush out the softened wax.

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If the wax is especially difficult to remove, a doctor may need to use specialized tools such as an ear curette or a suction device. An ear curette is a tool with a loop or spoon-like end that is used to scoop out the wax. A suction device is a vacuum-like tool that is inserted into the ear and used to suction out the wax.

In some cases, ear wax removal is not necessary. If the wax is not causing any problems, it can be left alone and may even be beneficial in keeping the ear canal clean. However, if the wax is causing symptoms such as hearing loss or earache, it should be removed.

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