5 Things To Ensure A Safe Summer For Pool Safety

With summer in full effect, everyone is looking to cool off! People flock to the pool every summer, but before you do, make sure you know these 5 things!

1) PC – Take a CPR class in case the worst happens. CPR can double the chances of survival of the victim. Everyone watching the kids in the pool should see an adult, child and infant CPR. Babysitters must still be certified CPR. You can also use pool covers from companies such as https://www.poolenclosures-poolcovers.com.au/retractable-roofs/ .

2.) Never leave a child unsupervised – Drowning happens quietly. It is extremely important to keep an eye on children swimming. Designate a "water watcher" who only works with the children of the watch in the pool. No television, no books, just look.

3.) Swimming Lessons – Every child should take swimming lessons. There are lessons available for children and the kids to learn to ride on your back and float accidents.

4.) Install pool fences and hedges – fences must lock the pool safely and self nearby. pool covers add another safety aspect. Remember to remove the cover completely when it's time to swim.

5.) Remove pool toys after swimming – floating toys may try to reach children in the water and fall into the pool unattended.

Pool fun could easily be the highlight of the summer for all children. By following these 5 steps, you will be equipped to deal with any emergency that may arise. 

Assigning a water watcher, obtaining a CPR certification and protection of your pool will ensure a great summer for everyone. Swimming happily!

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