Dust Explosion Protection Using Flameless Ventilation

The risk of an industrial eruption has been known for several years. Many industries handle materials with a dust explosion potential to protect plant personnel and assets. Explosion protection techniques aim to minimize or eliminate the occurrence of eruptions, while protection techniques control the effects by minimizing or eliminating the damage that can occur. 

Explosion protection techniques include containment, ventilation, isolation, and suppression. The flameless venting unit combines ignition and fire suppression techniques. You can also consult a technician to install flameless explosion vents at the workplace.

A fireless air vent usually consists of a vent plate, a flange body, and a flame arrestor. The general principle is that during the initial stage of the eruption, the explosion vent cover opens, flammable and unburned dust and fire enter the flame assertor element.

The propagation of flame outside the device is prevented by dissipating energy (heat) inside the element, reducing fuel combustion below the ignition temperature. Most of the dust is retained in the safety elements and the explosive gases are released through the device into the external atmosphere around the device.

There are different types of free air handling units. They are passive devices consisting mainly of a cylinder closed at one end and open at the other. The surface is composed of various layers of high-temperature stainless steel mesh. The device is bolted to the case’s blast port and its open end overlaps the ventilation port.

The advantages of fireless ventilation are that it extinguishes the fire, retains dust, eliminates harmful ventilation ducts, and minimizes the requirement of a vent release zone for internal ventilation.

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